Do you love bath salts, bath bombs, bath teas and anything bath time? Are your long and stressful days spent making plans for a relaxing evening soaking up essential oil and bath salt benefits by candle light? You may have scoured the internet for DIY bath recipes you just can't wait to try but there is one big one problem... you do not have a bath tub!
So what now? You can forget all about your bath soak fantasies and continue to simply browse at the selection of bath salts, bath teas and bath bombs while muttering "who needs a bath tub anyway?" Or you can keep reading to find out some creative ways to put those bath salts, bath teas and bath bombs to work for you WITHOUT A BATH TUB!

Congratulations, you are not a quitter!
For anyone who has ventured into the world of natural skin care or indulged in self love rituals, you have probably read about how the blends of rock salts, sea salts, herbs and essential oils dissolved in warm water baths have long been used to ease the body and mind, and treat mental and physical health ailments. For centuries, research into bathing traditions and natural healing solutions have offered evidence for the use of warm baths, essential oils and herbs to improve sleep quality, manage anxiety and stress, treat skin conditions, and cleanse the body of toxins. A 2016 research study on heat therapy offered evidence for how a warm bath can improve circulation and vascular function and help reduce inflammation. Dermatology studies into eczema and dry skin condition have shown how bathing in warm oat bath can soothe the skin and alleviate skin irritation. Himalayan salt Detox baths have gained in popularity with a reputation for cleansing the body of toxins while also stimulating circulation and soothing sore muscles. Epsom salt baths are the staple of self care rituals and offer a natural solution to treating muscle pain, stiffness and aching joints. So what does all this have to do with you not having a bath tub but wanting all the health benefits of these natural antidotes?
If you want it, you can have it!
Below are 4 creative ways to enjoy bath salts, bath bombs, and bath teas without a bath tub 1. Make a scrub! This is as easy as adding any skin nourishing oil to your bath salt or bath tea blend and rubbing it all over your body with love. I prefer to use coconut oil because not only is it moisturizing for the skin but it also contains lauric acid which has antimicrobial properties that can help protect against harmful microorganisms.
You can make a small blend for one time use in a bowl, or mix up a batch and store in a mason jar for use as a body exfoliant. To get the most benefits from your DIY scrub made from bath salts or bath tea,; cleanse your body with soap and rinse, then apply scrub on clean skin and rinse again. This will allow your skin to continue to benefit from the oils and herbs after you are done.
2. Make it steam! This can be done with bath salts, bath teas and bath bombs containing essential oils. Simply sprinkle your bath salt, bath tea, or broken bath bomb at the bottom of your shower before you have your warm shower. For bath bombs you may need to crash it into pieces or break it in half so that the flat surface can sit on the shower floor (You do not want to slip).
When you run your shower, the aroma of the essential oils will rise to your nostrils, and through them, send chemical messages along nerve pathways to the brain's limbic system. Aromas such as lavender, rose and lemon have been researched for their ability to alter your mood and emotions while others like peppermint and eucalyptus offer congestion relief.

3. Make it rain! Much like steaming, the goal here is to release the natural healing properties of your bath salt, bath tea or bath bombs this time by placing it in a small cotton pouch or muslin bag. Hang this pouch from your shower head. As the warm water falls, your skin and nostrils will take it all in while you stand under your DIY healing rain for body, mind and soul (caution not to get this in your eyes).
For this method, we also suggest using soap and rinsing prior to showering in your skin nourishing rain water. Doing so will allow your skin to continue to benefit from the oils, salts and herbs instead of washing it all down the drain.
4. Make it soak! This one is a fun way to make a little go a long way while showing some extra TLC to your hands and feet. You will need a basin, large bowl or foot tub. Fill the basin with warm water until it's deep enough to cover your hands or feet. Add your bath salt or bath tea by sprinkling what would equate to about 3-4 tbsp for a hand bath, and 6-8 tbsp for a foot bath into the warm water. For bath bombs, use a small one that is about the size of a golf ball or break a piece from a large bath bomb and allow for it to dissolve before placing hands or feet in the basin. Soak for 5 - 10 minutes.
You can opt for softer skin by first exfoliating your hands and feet with a scrub such as the one shown in method 1 above, and then adding your scrub to the warm water and using it in your hand or foot soak. Now that you know you do not need a bath tub to pamper your body, mind and soul, check out The Self Love Shop by Cicco Aroma for your natural and plant-based bath salts, bath teas and bath bombs. Our products are careful crafted with therapeutic essential oil blends and skin nourishing solutions designed for your wellness. We do not use synthetic fragrances or dyes in our skin care solutions, nor will you find parabens in our natural blends. Just natural goodness, made with love!
With care in mind,
Cicco Aroma
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